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Tawdry Geegaws for sale      

                                                                T - shirt Book 1

                                                   Modelled here by a young clapperdudgeon off to vandalise a phone box

                                                                                                                                                        Â£8.99 + £2.99 shipping by Royal Mail

                                                                                                     e-mail me for further details












Mugs-£ 7.50 (each) inc. shipping (UK)






Demonstrates correct

anti-quaffing position                                                                                        




                                                                                                                                 Quaffing "like drinking, only you spill more " -Sir T. Pratchett.


In 1679 a sordid bunch of low-life spivs out to turn a dishonest groat produced a range of tawdry

gee-gaws commemorating the death of Edmund Godfrey - such as souvenir daggers with anti-social mottos inscribed on the blade like "To Revenge the Death of Sir E.B. Godfree". It is in this proud spirit of enterprise that THE GODFREY PAPERS now present our range of historically inaccurate & ethically dubious gifts intended for the Carriage Trade & 23 Orders of the Canting Crew alike.

Now you can quaff your coffee like Sir Edmund did at the Coffee Man's in Swans Yard !

These bespoke mugs complete with improving quotations (but mostly threats) in the "Canting Speech"

are available for the trifling sum of £7.50 (including UK shipping by the Royal Mail.)

For Health & Safety reasons, customers are advised to remove brass knuckles from their quaffing hand prior to attempting to quaff.


           Mug 1; The Fanatiques' Creed ~ Mug 2; The Terror of Terrors

          Mug 3; The Monkey Duchess ~ Mug 4; The Devil's Trumpet

                            Mug 5; A Plague of Shadows


Complete with improving quotes;

Mug 1. "Do not dissemble with me cully, or you'll strut the Paddington Frisk!"

Mug 2. "Proceed, Scapegallows. Complete my lightmans."

Mug 3. "Stap me glims - 'tis Edmund Godfrey!"

Mug 4. "We are from the Magistracy and we have not yet broken our fast!"                                                             Mug 5. "Don your britches, Slipgibbet- you are boned!"                                                                                        

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mug 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Another unfortunate quaffing victim.  

(Note failure to remove knuckle dusters from

quaffing hand - what an idiot ! ) >








Please pay up on the Buy Now/Paypal button & then email your delivery details on                     

 +  which number mug you want (Mug 1 through 5). Text can be varied to your specification                                          

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                            I have re vamped the website to promote the second edition with typos amended. The Amazon reviews have been very positive apart from criticism of the inadequate proof reading.

                                       I have amended & re-published  via createspace. 


The Godfrey Papers

I would like to thank Albert "Doc" Schweitzer & his mighty organ, Wix & wikimedia commons (Trulock) for the flintlock gif 

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